Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thursday, May 01, 2008

MS Hire me! I hate Vista too

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Migrating from acegi to spring security

So I migrated my current project from acegi 1.0.5 to spring security 2.0.0-RC1. Here are my notes incase anyone might find this useful. Pom.xml changes: spring-security-core ${} spring-aop org.springframework spring-dao org.springframework spring-jdbc org.springframework spring-remoting org.springframework spring-support org.springframework org.springframework spring spring-security-taglibs ${} spring-security-acl ${} And I defined a variable in our root pom 2.0.0-RC1 The new jars also change all the package name from 'org.acegisecurity' to '' I just did a find and replace in idea and that seemed to work fine. Static variable have also changed their prefix from 'AGEGI_' to 'SPRING_SECURITY_'. I did another replace in path with IDEA to do this as well. Taglibs. Tag libs have changed a little too. You should replace <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="authz" %> with <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="authz" %> The authentication tag also works differently. I had to replace things like with ${user.fullName} After all this everything seems to be working perfectly. Next step is to refactor our security configuration to the newer model.