- I'm not Jimi Hendrix or SRV
- I always want a new guitar (Currently a 50's reissue strat with a lefty neck)
This all started 10 years ago. I was in high school and a mediocre athlete. I did the standard sports for a Canadian kid: Hockey, Basketball, cross-country running. Luckily I was actually a decent goalie. Then sadly that summer I broke my leg in a BMX biking accident.
Now when your a guy who use to always have something to do being immobile for 4-6 months is horrible. That is the point in my life I picked up a guitar for the first time.
My Dad had an old guitar my mother got him at Sears. With in a month or so I got good enough to play along at any camp-fire. Over the next year or so I took lessons from a family friend. Jammed with some high school bands and had a great time. Then it all stopped.
In an effort to improve my playing even more I got professional lessons. One thing I didn't know at that time was that would suck every last little bit of fun out of playing for me. After 3 formal lessons I was so annoyed and aggravated I never picked up my guitar again for more than 3 hours a month.
Like a Shakespearian story this all ending up coming full circle early last year. My musical tastes once again shifted. I was listening to way less R&B and Rap and more classic rock and rock. Then I was finally insp
ired to pick up my guitar again by one album "Inside wants out" by John Mayer.
John is still amazing surprising all critics are staring a blues band called the "The John Mayer Trio". Now, not only am I inspired but my new favourite artist releases an album that perfectly matches my favourite type of music.
Wait... how did we get here?
When I started writing this mess I was sure I had a point and now it escapes me. I guess all I can say is:
- You'll find inspiration where/when you least expect it.
- Aspire to be as good as your idols but respect that everything comes with time and practice.
- Plug in turn it up and just let your heart and soul speak.